In Case of FIRE/Emergency: 
If there is ever an emergency of any kind, call 911.
Another number you can call for fire situations is *5555 from your cell phone.
Or you can call 1-800-663-5555. Both numbers are emergency lines to the BC Forest Service.
Please remember that M.I.C.S IS NOT a recognized volunteer fire department.
Mudge Island contacts after you have called 911 that will be able mobilize M.I.C.S resources
- Scott Flemming 1 250 741-4339
- Philip Parsons 1 250 818-2879
- Chad Giesbrecht 1 250 713-9707
Every effort will be made to contain/control a wild fire but there are limits.
We do not have the equipment or training to safely deal with structure fires.
Note: in the event of an emergency the trucks are available to everyone in the community that has a valid driver’s licence. There are no designated “crews”.
Please contact any of the above for a short familiarization session on the operation of the trucks.
Ensure that your home insurance policy notes that there is no fire department on Mudge.
You should try to gather some help and drive a truck to the situation and put it to work containing the fire. If you do not feel that you should drive the trucks, try to find someone that can.
We are working on a MICS emergency list and available water supplies and will post it here once we have compiled the list.
Our society operates solely on donations and MICS does its best to maintain equipment for community use. We have no fire chief. So choosing who is “in charge” is difficult. I would hope that we could pull together in an orderly fashion, and try our best to work together to do what we can to keep fires from spreading to your neighbors place. And the equipment was paid for by the community, as is the maintenance. To that we can all thank each other, as it has been an effort of all in one fashion or another.
As we are not a fire dept., it is a bit difficult to direct the community in the form of “protocol”. All we are is a society that is supported by the very generous group of citizens both on and off the island. To which we try to make available firefighting equipment for all on the island. Our property now has a structure to house and protect the equipment plus a water supply.
There is also an information line at 1-888-3FOREST, 1-888-336-7378. This number will help you with fire bans, travel restrictions, campfire info etc.
For information on the internet,
Other NON-emergency Numbers of interest:
BC Nursing Hotline 811
Gabriola Police Non-emergency 250 247-9677